Motivational Quotes In English
Only through devotion can you control power.
The closer you are to the goal, the more problems there will be.
The more time we spend condemning others, the more time we can put towards the goal and reduce its distance.
In today's era, no matter how ignorant the rich person is, he is considered knowledgeable and no matter how poor the poor person is, he is considered ignorant.
Today's man is respected by looking at the good clothes of man, not by his knowledge.
There is no greater warrior than that who smiles even after suffering thousands of sorrows.
The one who helps you by stating your mistake is your true partner.
People will not respect your knowledge until you succeed.
If you want to achieve the goal, don't stop thinking that if you fail, what people will say. If you fail, people will learn and succeed, then ideally, in both those situations you will People who are in the first place in the list, remember them forever.
Failure leads to success.
Those who failed and succeeded were talked about in the world.
He who does not stop under any circumstances wins.
The road to success is very small and the path of failure is very big, what you learn on the path of failure can never be learned on the path of success.
I will work hard until I win.
The one who smiles even after losing the battle, the one who wins also loses.
A lie is like an air balloon, in which if the tip of a needle is lightly pierced, and the truth is like a huge rock, on which many hammers do not break.
Money earned by deceit and fraud can make you rich, but can not give you respect in society.
The lie remains strong until then. Until the truth comes out.
You can change the divine, but not the soul.
If you want to get drunk, then do those books which do not let your steps falter even after climbing.
According to the principles of the Geeta, doing duties and deeds becomes a ritual of religion.
Virtue is the ideal of a great man.
Conscience is cleared by following righteousness.
Religion is what brings us closer to God.
The donation that is given to the Beggar is the ultimate source of mercy.
Duty deeds should be performed with proper care, enthusiasm and readiness.
As long as there is arrogance in the body, there is a possibility of being fascinated.
No one should ever insult someone visiting their home.
You should perform your duty in a senseless manner.
A person falls from his duty as soon as he sees the duty of others.
The principle is that which is in accordance with the scriptures and the command of God.
If a man is proud, he can bring the world to his side.
Every day should spend some time under self-observation.
It is sincere to put the world's material in service to the world.
There is no substance in the world that can fill human hope.
Immediate peace is attained by renunciation of pleasures.
Human knowledge is destroyed by bonding with lowly men.
Discriminating behavior towards son and daughter is an inhuman act.
The desire for enjoyment and collection is the root of all sins.
Donation given is never destroyed.
God does not forgive anyone who wants the evil of others.
Our aim should always be towards duty and not selfishness or profit.
Serve the old people every day for your benefit and desire to gain knowledge.
Man can make it a means of salvation by utilizing the achieved status properly.
The thirst for wealth never quenches, therefore satisfaction is the ultimate happiness.
A monk is one who wants to grow genuinely towards others.
Man is a human being, by performing his duty.
Man should not give up the duty received under any circumstances.
Do not commit violence to any creature, do your work with your hands.
Those who are prosperous and ascetic of learning are all revered.
The sole purpose of Hindu - culture is to do human welfare.
Forgiveness is the best religion.
It is man's duty to take care of each other.
Always obey the orders of the Gurus with reverence.
The nature of husband and wife should be the same, this is the religion of the householder.
All that is contained in the conscious world in the whole world is covered by God.
Love, fulfillment and satisfaction can never be permanent in the world.
God resides where duty is performed with devotion.
The 'giving' part is the savior and the feeling of 'taking' is collapse.
Man has only as much right as he can fill his stomach.
One who obeys elders, children, and weak human beings is a part of virtue.
One should try to stay away from anger.
The conscience of the seeker should be under his control.
No work should be done in haste.
On receiving happiness of the mind, all sorrows are destroyed.
Those who have the opportunity to do duty should be considered lucky.
The lower the requirements, the greater the peace and happiness.
The most valuable and respected asset a woman has is her existence.
The primacy of the character is the woman's biggest jewel.
The ineptitude of time must be remembered at all times.
Interact lovingly and respectfully with everyone.
If there is a true mind, then God will definitely accept it.
Efficiency and intelligence have to be equal while doing deed.
Only by doing selfless attitude can a person progress.
There is no religion greater than truth and there is no sin greater than untrue.